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Physiotherapy for Rheumatoid Arthritis

treatment for arthritis in Bangalore

Physiotherapy for Rheumatoid Arthritis

Arthritis is not one disease, but rather a broad term that encompasses more than 100 very different disorders. All involve the joints and are characterized by chronic pain, limited mobility, and decreased range of motion. Before you get treatment for arthritis in Bangalore, you should know about the disease. Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic and painful clinical condition that leads to progressive joint damage, disability, deterioration in the quality of life, and shortened life expectancy. Even mild inflammation may result in irreversible damage and permanent disability. The clinical course according to symptoms may be either intermittent or progressive in patients with RA. In most patients, the clinical course is progressive, and structural damage develops in the first 2 years. The aim of RA management is to achieve pain relief and prevent joint damage and functional loss. You can get an appointment with a physiotherapist at home and resort to other rehabilitation applications that significantly augment medical therapy by improving the management of RA and reducing handicaps in daily living for patients with RA. So, get treatment for arthritis in Bangalore from a reputed clinic and get freedom from such ailments.


  1. EXERCISE THERAPY – Exercises are used as an intervention that aims to improve the mobility and strength of the affected joint and therefore, improve functional ability. Exercise may include Mobilizing exercise (Increase or maintain range of motion) Strengthening exercise (that use resistance from putty, a gel ball, or an elastic band to strengthen joints and surrounding muscles)

  2. JOINT PROTECTION – Joint protection is a self-management approach that aims to maintain functional ability through changing/adapting working methods and movement patterns of affected joints. This can be with the use of devices such as splints or pacing activities. Changing these habits can help reduce pain, inflammation, and stress that is applied to joints during daily activity and may help preserve the integrity of joint structures longer term.

  3. ELECTROTHERAPY – Electrotherapy is an alternative to medication for treating arthritis pain. It follows the principle of electrical stimulation to decrease pain sensations. Electrotherapy devices deliver electrical stimulation by using electrodes that send electric pulses to your nerve endings via pads placed on your skin. It sends an electric current to your nerves to override pain signals. This causes a tingling sensation that you may find soothing. It also relieves pain by triggering the release of natural painkillers i.e. Endorphins in the brain. Electrotherapy also uses techniques such as ultrasound and low-level laser therapy which can help to increase the healing process and therefore reduce pain.


Post-Surgical Operative Rehabilitation

Post-surgical operative rehabilitation is necessary after a major operation that hinders the function of the body.

The most common surgeries for which you can expect physiotherapy treatment include:

  • Orthopedic Surgery: bone, joint and muscle repairs, reconstructions and replacements [for pain, reduced strength, reduced range of movement, postural problems, swelling, balance and coordination problems]

  • Spinal and Neurological Surgery: spinal fusions, disc repairs and replacements, brain surgery and other procedures [for weakness, breathing difficulties, reduced mobility, muscle shortening, loss of sensation]

  • Abdominal and Thoracic Surgery: surgery for the internal organs including the lungs, heart, liver, gastrointestinal system and other organs [for pain, reduced exercise levels, breathing difficulties, reduced mobility, postural problems]

  • Obstetric and Gynaecological Surgery: postnatal, hysterectomy, gynaecological repairs and reconstructions and other procedures

  • Urological Surgery: bladder and prostate surgery

  • Breast Surgery: resections and reconstructions


Physiotherapy after surgery should begin immediately in the hospital, however it is important that once you have been discharged you continue physiotherapy to achieve the best possible recovery. At Ayursh , we offer chest physiotherapy and physiotherapist home service that makes the treatment more accessible. AYURSH PHYSIOTHERAPY team will encourage you to carry out a range of exercises to strengthen and mobilise any affected joints and muscles and this will also help to improve circulatory or respiratory problems that may have developed in the hospital.

Other Benefits Include:

  1. Effective management of your pain

  2. Help you return to activities of daily living

  3. Strengthening of weak muscles

  4. Stretching of muscles that may have become stiff

  5. Help get you back to the level you were previously

  6. Improving your posture

  7. Regain your independence

  8. Mobilisation exercises to improve circulation and range of movement

  9. Help clear any secretions, improve lung volumes and prevent chest infections

  10. Advise on effective positioning to increase comfort and reduce the risk of pressure sores


Surgery Recovery

Your first step toward normal function is healing from the surgery itself. Any surgery will require some form of incision to the treated area, so medications to help with pain and inflammation may be used. Ice is commonly used to help reduce swelling. Braces, slings, crutches, or casts may be necessary to keep a limb or area in a fixed position to allow things to heal properly.

In some cases, exercises to start restoring strength and motion may begin shortly after surgery. This is often done when you book a physiotherapist home visit. This will depend on what is being treated (joint repair, fusing bone, fixing fractures, etc.), and in many cases getting basic function back is an important early step in recovery. But the main focus of this step is pain management to gauge how soon to start moving and testing the injured area.

Rebuilding Motion

Mobilizing an injury is very important to getting your body to behave normally after surgery. Knowing when to start physical therapy is vital to avoid stretching and moving too soon, which will only slow down the healing process. Physical therapy is necessary to help build flexibility through stretching and moving the injured area based on your ability.

Soft tissue and joint mobilization training are used to improve range of motion and reduce pain. Various exercises are used in therapy and at home to help your injury heal properly and not limit movement.

Rebuilding Strength

Equally important is rebuilding strength through physical therapy to avoid muscle weakness, which will also limit flexibility, endurance, and power in an injured area. Muscle weakness is often noted in an injury post surgery within a month to six weeks. Which can cure through post-surgical operative rehabilitation.

Having a regimen that focuses on adding strength and cardiovascular endurance will allow less chance of muscle weakness and restore regular function more quickly. Cycling, pool exercises, and other targeted exercises can strengthen without aggravating an injury. Different injuries will put different demands on physical therapy.

Restoring Normal Function

Once you have more strength and increased motion, the next step to getting back to your regular life is balance and coordination. Exercises at this stage are designed to increase speed and agility, and require more targeted and nuanced training depending on your level of normal physical activity. At this point, you should be close to getting back to routine activity and exercise with normal flexibility, strength, and equilibrium.

Everyone heals from injuries at different rates, so your treatment will be designed to suit your specific needs. It is recommended that you book a physiotherapist near me home service and get the medical attention that you need. Getting back to intense physical activity for sports may take longer than normal function, and age can play a part in healing times.

Urinary Incontinence

How Ayursh Helps to Treat Urinary Incontinence?

Urinary incontinence is a common problem that is often under-reported due to the embarrassing nature and social stigma attached. It can have a considerable effect on an individual’s quality of life. Incontinence is involuntary loss of urine, in which an individual will not have control over his/her bladder. At Ayursh, we offer physiotherapist home service that offers effective and long term relief from such issues.

Factors that might cause Urinary Incontinence

Though it occurs more often as people get older, urinary incontinence isn’t an inevitable consequence of ageing. If urinary incontinence affects your daily activities, don’t hesitate to see your doctor. For most people, simple lifestyle and dietary changes or medical care can treat symptoms of urinary incontinence.

Proper diagnosis is therefore necessary for urinary incontinence

There are different types of incontinence


1) Stress incontinence – is the incontinence triggered by movements such as coughing, sneezing, laughing, jumping, weight lifting or exercise (any movement increasing intra abdominal pressure).

This is caused because of sphincter dysfunction due to pelvic floor weakness.

2) Urge incontinence (overactive bladder) – involuntary leakage of urine accompanied by or immediately preceded by urgency.

This is caused due to involuntary or uninhibited detrusor contractions and due to detrusor muscle instability.


3) Overflow incontinence – unexpected leakage of small amounts of urine because of an overfilled bladder.

This is caused because of an contractile detrusor usually seen in diabetic neuropathy.

4) Mixed incontinence – involuntary leakage associated with urgency and also with exertion, effort, sneezing or coughing

Caused because of combination of urethral and bladder dysfunction


You may feel uncomfortable discussing incontinence with your doctor. But if incontinence is frequent or is affecting your quality of life, it’s important to seek medical advice because urinary incontinence may:

● Cause you to restrict your activities and limit your social interactions
● Negatively impact your quality of life
● Increase the risk of falls in older adults as they rush to the toilet
● Indicate a more serious underlying condition


There are numerous causes for incontinence, it could be post pregnancy, road traffic accidents affecting your pelvic bone, neurological disorders like stroke, multiple sclerosis, parkinsons or spinal cord injuries affecting nerve root involving bladder control, prostate cancer, ageing or being overweight. Depending on the primary cause of incontinence AYURSH PHYSIOTHERAPY helps in strengthening your pelvic floor muscles and passively stimulating the nerve roots with electric modalities. Book an appointment with our physiotherapist at home and get complete relief.

home physiotherapy in bangalore

How to Get More from Your Home Physiotherapy in Bangalore?

Getting home physiotherapy in Bangalore would give you the best of both worlds. You would be able to get world-class Physiotherapy treatment and you don’t have to go anywhere. But physiotherapy is not the only way to live a healthier and better life. In the following post, we would take a look at some of the tips that you should follow to live a life free from pains and body aches and how you can get the most when you book a physiotherapist home service in Bangalore.

Tips for the Workplace

Since most of us spend a lot of time in our workplace, let’s start with seeing how you can work better and avoid stress as that might lead to chronic pains and other critical health issues. Here are some of the things that you could do to work better.

– When you take a break, avoid surfing the web or answering texts. You need to get up from your seat every couple of hours, take a short walk and stretch your legs
– Do some stretches at your desk every twenty minutes to half an hour. These would loosen up your shoulder and neck, which often tend to get stiff due to the stress of work
– Always maintain an upright posture
– Sit close to your work station
– Always keep your monitor at eye level
– Your legs should be flexed at 90-degree angle with your feet resting comfortably

What to Do After an Injury

When you have injured your body, specifically if you have sustained a soft tissue injury, it is best to adopt the RICE method – Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation. This helps to accelerate your recovery

– Rest is important for the body to heal. Without proper rest, the injured area could become inflamed, more painful, and the chances of further injury would go up
– Ice also helps in reducing inflammation and pain. To protect your skin we recommend that the ice be placed within a towel before wrapping around the injured area
– Compression acts in reducing the swelling and pain
– Elevation helps to reduce blood flow to the affected area

Once you’ve followed RICE, as above, please give us a call and find out how our home physiotherapy service can help you

home physiotherapy service
Trainer working with woman on exercise mat in fitness studio


Communicating with your physical therapist is an efficient way to maximize the benefits of treatment. It’s always important to communicate with your therapist. Let your therapist know if something is hurting you or if you’re experiencing difficulty during treatment. Even though its common for exercises to cause some discomfort and most of the time, they might be minor issues, but still make sure you inform your physiotherapist about the same.


A recovery journal is a great way to log your progress as you get better. It is recommended that you record the date of the sessions, what was done and if you have faced any discomfort either during the session or after, make sure that you write it down as well.

Share your findings with your therapist. This would help in tracking the progress and they would be able to customize your therapy to adapt to the issue. Recovery tends to get slow at times. Having a record helps you see just how far you’ve come. During our initial sessions for home physiotherapy in Bangalore, we recommend that our patients follow a detailed journal


The number of physiotherapy sessions you have for therapy often depends on your injury or the ailment that you are facing. Minor injuries may only need a few sessions, while more serious injuries may take several weeks or months. When we offer home physiotherapy in Bangalore, we develop an optimized treatment that would help you to recover fast. It also depends on how seriously you take the treatment.

You would need to stick to appointments as that is key to a speedy recovery. Don’t skip any sessions; make sure you stay on track concerning recuperation.

To book a session with a home physiotherapist in Bangalore, contact Ayursh. We have a team of some of the most qualified and experienced physiotherapists. You can choose single or multiple sessions in one go. Just choose the date and the specific type of treatment and we would arrive at your home to administer the treatment. So, get in touch with us and get the help that you need for your fast and effective treatment for your ailments.

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