Home Physiotherapy Bangalore | Ayursh

The biggest myth of all is your hip pain will improve if remain inactive. But, you know that the rest is not the answer. Body activities and therapies help you to heal. In Ayursh, we provide you integrated physiotherapy care to recover from back pain and enjoy pain-free living.

Frequently asked questions

Q. What should I wear for my sessions ?

Dress comfortably. For treatments, try to wear loose-fitting clothes that are comfortable to exercise and examine.

Q. Is electrotherapy for lower back safe ?

Electrotherapy works to ease pain. It is absolutely safe and it is an bioelectric device that transmits extremely minimal frequencies to your body. There would be no pain or discomfort although you do feel a slight tingling sensation for sometime.

Q. Can physiotherapy help with chronic hip pain?

When it comes to treating chronic hip pain, home physiotherapy bangalore is an excellent option and our movement experts have treated a number of chronic conditions with patients finding improvement and relief after just a few sessions.

Q. Is therapeutic ultrasound safe?

Therapeutic ultrasound has no known harmful effects when done right by your therapist. This therapy will help alleviate body pain in the affected areas. Ultrasound physical therapy is noninvasive; hence, it's safer than other methods.

Q. How many session will I need?

The number of home physiotherapy sessions will vary depending on the hip problem and the individual. Besides, our each session is vital for your recovery and to provide complete benefit to your body.

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