Relaxation Therapies | Ayursh Shirodhara | Ayursh

Our human body is a wonderful masterpiece. It sustains everything from inordinate stress, excessive fatigue to unhealthy diets and faulty sleep schedules without any complaints.

But, when the affliction and torment of our fast-paced modern lifestyle reaches a threshold, our body starts giving out signs like poor digestion, body-aches, early wrinkles & balding, low energy, poor vision etc. To get rid of these, try our relaxation therapy and body massages and keep your stress at bay.

Frequently asked questions

Q. For whom are these therapies suitable?

We advise this therapy to anyone who is stressed out either due to work or general hassles of life

Q. Do I need to consult a doctor online for the same?

Yes, because our doctors would examine you and customize these therapies according to your dosha and body needs.

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