Massage Therapy For Stroke | Book Stroke Care Massages In Bangalore

You can rise from anything. You can completely recreate yourself. Book our physiotherapist home service for consutlation and assessment.

In Ayursh, we provide globally used care protocols and evidence-based practices for stroke rehabilitation. We provide individualized care. Each patient is different and that’s why we provide you a personalized care plan that gives you a faster recovery. Your rehabilitation plan will depend on the part of the body or the type of ability affected by your stroke.

Frequently asked questions

Q. Can i recover completely from stroke after the therapy?

The duration for your recovery depends on the severity of your stroke and related complications

Q. How long does it take to recover from a stroke?

In stroke rehab, consistency is the key. With our training and therapies you can see the changes and results gradually.

Q. Why is Physio important after stroke?

Physical therapy is an important part of post-stroke rehabilitation. Physical therapy helps to recover the movements lost after a stroke. It can help you regain power and movement so that you can be as self-reliant as possible.

Q. What should I wear for my sessions?

Dress comfortably that allow easy access for the therapist to examine. During your treatments, wear loose-fitting clothes that are comfortable for exercises and therapies.

Q. How long my session will last??

Typically, the first session lasts for 1 hour. Each session after that may be between 40 and 60 minutes. The amount of time will be based on your specific needs and severity.

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