Home Physiotherapy Service Near Me | Ayursh

Whether it is from a sore ankle or throbbing heel, pain is hard enough to deal in a day and it robs you of your much-needed sleep at night. You are born to wake up smiling without pain. Are you looking for 'Home physiotherapy service near me'? We are here to make it possible with Ayursh‘s well-balanced and medically proven therapies.

Frequently asked questions

Q. Is therapeutic ultrasound safe?

Therapeutic ultrasound has no known harmful effects when done right by your therapist. The therapy will help alleviate ankle / heel pain. It is also noninvasive therapy which is safer than other methods.

Q. What should I wear for my sessions?

Dress comfortably. For treatments, try to wear loose-fitting clothes that are comfortable to exercise and examine.

Q. How do I know if my ankle/heel pain is bad enough to need treatment?

If you notice severe persistent pain or swelling, burning pain, numbness or tingling at most or the entire bottom of your heel or any other discomfort in your ankle / heel, it’s always worth having it checked by a Physiotherapist

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